Reuters/CRB Futures IndexTicker: CRBFUTURES - Monthly Close: 9/1956 to current
CRB SpotTicker: CRBSPOT - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
CRB Metals Sub-IndexTicker: CRBSUBMETALS - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
Reuters/CRB Total ReturnsTicker: CRBTOTRETURN - Monthly Close: 1/1982 to current
Reuters/CRB Precious MetalsTicker: CRBPM - Monthly Close: 1/1975 to current
CRB - Livestock Sub-IndexTicker: CRBSTOCK - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
CRB - Fats & Oils Sub-IndexTicker: CRBFATOIL - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
CRB - Foodstuffs Sub-IndexTicker: CRBFOOD - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
CRB - Raw Industrials Sub-IndexTicker: CRBRAW - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
CRB - Textiles Sub-IndexTicker: CRBTEXTILE - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
Reuters/CRB - Softs Sub-IndexTicker: CRBSOFTS - Monthly Close: 9/1971 to current
Reuters/CRB - Industrials Sub-IndexTicker: CRBIND - Monthly Close: 9/1971 to current
Reuters/CRB - Grains Sub-IndexTicker: CRBGRAIN - Monthly Close: 9/1971 to current
Reuters/CRB - Livestock Sub-IndexTicker: CRBLIVE - Monthly Close: 9/1971 to current
Reuters/CRB - Energy Sub-IndexTicker: CRBSUBENERGY - Monthly Close: 5/1985 to current
Reuters/CRB - Interest Rates IndexTicker: CRBINTEREST - Monthly Close: 5/1982 to current
Reuters/CRB - Currencies IndexTicker: CRBCURRENCY - Monthly Close: 5/1972 to current
Reuters/CRB - Energy IndexTicker: CRBENERGY - Monthly Close: 9/1983 to current
30-Year T-Bond YieldTicker: CRB30YTB - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
CRB CPI (1983=100)Ticker: CRBCPI - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
CRB CPI (1983=100)Ticker: CRBCPI - Monthly Close: 1/1947 to current
Reuters/CRB Futures Index Rate Of ChangeTicker: CRBFROC - Monthly Close: 10/1957 to current
CPI Rate Of Change %Ticker: CRBCPIROC - Monthly Close: 10/1957 to current
30-Year T-Bond Yield Rate Of ChangeTicker: CRB30YROC - Monthly Close: 10/1957 to current
Bridge-CRB Commodity IndexTicker: BR-CRB - Yearly Close: 12/1914 to 12/2004
Stock Market Momentum Indicator - 10dmaTicker: SMMI-10 - Daily Close: 1/1993 to current
Stock Market Momentum Indicator - 25dmaTicker: SMMI-25 - Daily Close: 1/1993 to current
SMMI - Stock Market Momentum IndicatorTicker: SMMI-1W - Daily Close: 11/1992 to current
GSCI IndexTicker: CRB-GSCI - Daily Close: 3/1994 to current
GSCI Agriculture IndexTicker: ^GKX - Daily OHLC: 3/1994 to current
GSCI Energy IndexTicker: ^GJX - Daily OHLC: 3/1994 to current
GSCI Excess IndexTicker: ^GEX - Daily OHLC: 1/1980 to current
GSCI IndexTicker: ^GXX - Daily OHLC: 7/1992 to current
GSCI Industrial Metals IndexTicker: ^GYX - Daily OHLC: 3/1994 to current
GSCI Livestock IndexTicker: ^GVX - Daily OHLC: 3/1994 to current
GSCI Precious Metals IndexTicker: ^GPX - Daily OHLC: 10/1994 to current
GSCI Spot IndexTicker: ^GNX - Daily OHLC: 12/1992 to current
GSCI Total Returns IndexTicker: ^GTX - Daily OHLC: 3/1994 to current
Goldman Sachs Natural ResourcesTicker: ^GSR - Daily OHLC: 11/2001 to current
Morgan Stanley Commodity Related Equity NdxTicker: ^CRX - Daily OHLC: 6/1996 to current
Morgan Stanley Consumer IndexTicker: ^CMR - Daily OHLC: 3/1994 to current
Morgan Stanley Cyclical IndexTicker: ^CYC - Daily OHLC: 2/1994 to current
Morgan Stanley Healthcare ProdTicker: ^RXP - Daily OHLC: 1/1996 to current
Morgan Stanley Healthcare ProvTicker: ^RXH - Daily OHLC: 1/1996 to current
Morgan Stanley Hi-Tech IndexTicker: ^MSH - Daily OHLC: 6/1995 to current
Morgan Stanley Internet IndexTicker: ^MOX - Daily OHLC: 6/1995 to current
Morgan Stanley REIT IndexTicker: ^RMS - Daily OHLC: 6/1995 to current
Baltic Dry IndexTicker: ^BDI - Daily Close: 10/2005 to current
Baltic Handymax IndexTicker: ^BHM - Daily Close: 11/2005 to current
Baltic Panamax IndexTicker: ^BPM - Daily Close: 11/2005 to current
Baltic Capesize IndexTicker: ^BCS - Daily Close: 11/2005 to current
Baltic Supramax IndexTicker: ^BSM - Daily Close: 11/2005 to current
Prudent Bear FundTicker: BEARX - Daily Close: 9/1996 to current
Bear ProFundTicker: BRPIX - Daily Close: 3/2000 to current
Bear ProFund SvcTicker: BRPSX - Daily Close: 8/2000 to current
Comstock Strategy FundTicker: CPFAX - Daily Close: 6/1996 to current
Comstock Capital Value FundTicker: DRCVX - Daily Close: 9/1994 to current
Grizzly Short FundTicker: GRZZX - Daily Close: 2/2001 to current
Gabelli Mathers FundTicker: MATRX - Daily Close: 1/1986 to current
Direxion Small Cap Bear FundTicker: DXRSX - Daily Close: 2/2000 to current
Potomac US Short FundTicker: SPSX - Daily Close: 2/1998 to current
Rydex Arktos FundTicker: RYAIX - Daily Close: 9/1998 to current
Rydex Ursa FundTicker: RYURX - Daily Close: 2/1994 to current
Rydex Venture 100 FundTicker: RYVNX - Daily Close: 6/2000 to current
UltraBear ProFundTicker: URPIX - Daily Close: 5/1998 to current
UltraShort OTC ProFundTicker: USPIX - Daily Close: 8/1998 to current
Rydex Tempest 500 FundTicker: RYTPX - Daily Close: 6/2000 to current
Rydex Juno FundTicker: RYJUX - Daily Close: 3/1995 to current
Franklin Templeton Hard Currency ATicker: ICPHX - Daily Close: 6/1996 to current
Robertson Stephens Contrarian FundTicker: RSCOX - Daily Close: 3/1994 to 2/2005
Potomac Internet Short FundTicker: PDISX - Daily Close: 12/2000 to 9/2001
Potomac OTC Short FundTicker: POTSX - Daily Close: 11/1997 to 8/2004